MATLAB: Can I perform phased-loop analysis and symbol timing for PSK signals using MATLAB system objects

bpskCommunications Toolboxphased-looppskpsk-67symboltiming

I want to perform Phased-loop analysis and symbol timing using MATLAB system objects or functions that can be used with non equi-spaced signals, liked PSK-67. Is this possible?

Best Answer

You would need to use CarrierSynchronizer for phase-loop analysis and SymbolSynchronizer for symbol timing. While these System objects are known to work for equispaced PSK, PSK67 is not equispaced.
However, PSK67 modulation works well with two documented examples for these System objects, which are presented as the following within the attached zip-file:
1) psk67mod.m - psk67 modulator, based on pskmod.m
2) CorrectPhaseFrequencyOffsetPSK67LinkExample.mlx - Shows usage of CarrierSynchronizer with psk67 signal. This is based on QPSK example on CarrierSynchronizer reference page.
3) CorrectPSK67SignalForTimingErrorExample.mlx - Shows usage of SymbolSynchronizer with psk67 signal. This is based on QPSK example on SymbolSynchronizer ref page.
Also, note that these two System objects are implemented in MATLAB. So, you can study the underlying algorithms and implementation, and modify them for your particular case.
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