MATLAB: Can I not load a different model onto the SLRT target

I am having trouble loading a different model on to my Speedgoat target with Simulink Real-Time.
I previously loaded and ran the "xpcosc" example model and it worked fine. Now, I want to run the "xpctank" model so I need to load it onto the target, but I cannot seem to load the tank model. When I unload "xpcosc" it looks like it unloads, but then when I load "xpctank", "xpcosc" still shows as loaded in the Applications window of SLRT Explorer. It is like the model is stuck.

Best Answer

It looks like the target computer may need to be rebooted. Try loading the model again after re-booting the target.
A good first troubleshooting step is to run "slrttest" if you run into similar issues getting the target to respond or re-load.
Running "slrttest" will reboot the target in step 3, and load a test model to the target in step 4. If "slrttest" completes succesfully, you should be good to go.