MATLAB: Can I multiply a Vector with a Matrix

arrayMATLABmatrixmatrix arrayvector

Sorry for my english. I've a big problem, I want multiply a vector by a matrix:
A part of my code is:
x = -5000:10.:5000;
y = -5000:10.:5000;
U= []; %is an array <1x15000 double>

teta=[]; %is an array <1x15000 double>
%condizioni iniziali
if U <= 5500
rho = 0.1;
else U> 5500;
rho = 0.16;
u = ((DeltaH/Hsor)^rho).*U ;
%velocità del vento corretta
h = Hsor+DeltaH-((vg*2.1./u));
%altezza considerando la sedimentazione in atmosfera
%Modifica direzione vento
x11 = cos(dd);
x111 = x11*X;
I've a problem in the last operation ??? Error using ==> mtimes Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in ==> SCORMAT at 90
x111 = x11*X;
[EDITED, Jan, code formatted]

Best Answer

Change x11*X to x11.*X