MATLAB: Can I extract the fully-constructed model from a cfit object, not just the separate pieces of the formula

cfitMATLABmodel equation

I have a cfit object that I would like to get the full equation from, with parameter values plugged in. All I have been able to find in my searching so far is "coeffvalues" to get an array of parameter values and "formula" to get the general model form. For example, the cfit object is:
General model Exp1:
val(x) = a*exp(b*x)
Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
a = 3695 (3307, 4083)
b = 9.448e-05 (8.636e-05, 0.0001026)
What I am looking to extract is:
val(x) = 3695*exp(0.00009448*x)
Is this possible?

Best Answer

There is no direct way to obtain the equation with the substituted parameter values from the 'cfit' object in Curve Fitting Toolbox. However, there is a workaround, a string representation can be generated of the curve from a cfit object, ‘cfit_object’:
equation = formula(cfit_object); %Formula of fitted equation
parameters = coeffnames(cfit_object); %All the parameter names
values = coeffvalues(cfit_object); %All the parameter values
for i = 1:numel(parameters)
param = parameters{i};
l = length(param);
location = regexp(equation, param); %Location of the parameter within the string
while ~isempty(location)
%Substitute parameter value
equation = [equation(1:location-1) num2str(values(idx)) equation(location+l:end)];
location = regexp(equation, param);