MATLAB: Can I export the individual phase coefficients of a polyphase filter designed with the Filter Design and Analysis Tool in the Filter Design Toolbox

coefficientsexportfdatoolFilter Design Toolboxmultiratepolyphaseworkspace

I am using the Filter Design Toolbox to design multirate, polyphase filters. Once the design process is complete, I would like to export the filter coefficients which are applicable to each phases contribution to the workspace.
Currently, I am able to export the full transfer function to the workspace, but cannot separate the transfer function into its individual phase coefficients. Also, I am able to view the filter coefficients for each independent phase inside of the Filter Design and Analysis Tool by viewing the filters in polyphase view, but I need them in the workspace for further calculation.
Is this possible?

Best Answer

The ability to export the filter coefficients of polyphase filters directly to your MATLAB workspace is not available in the Filter Design & Analysis tool (FDATool).
To work around this issue, export the polyphase (multirate) filter from FDATool to your MATLAB workspace as a filter object. Then use the function POLYPHASE to determine the coefficients for the subfilters. POLYPHASE returns the polyphase matrix of the multirate filter object.
Once you have designed your filter in the Filter Design & Analysis Tool, export it by selecting "File->Export" from the FDATool menu bar. In the resulting Export dialog, select "Object" from the "Export As" list and note the variable name, or enter a variable name.
After the object is in your MATLAB workspace, access the individual filter coefficients by issuing the following command:
p = polyphase(hm)
In this example, hm is the multirate filter object exported from FDATool and each row of p, the polyphase matrix, contains the filter coefficients for one subfilter phase.