MATLAB: Can I disable the registering step of the the COM component which is happening when I compile it using MCC command of MATLAB Builder NE 3.0.2 (R2009b)

compiledeploytoolMATLAB Builder NEmccmwregsvrregisterregserver32

I am compiling a COM component using MCC in the following way:
mcc -v -d C:\bld\myCom -B "ccom:myCOM,myCOMclass,1.0" -S myCOM.m
I see that at the end stage, this execution makes a call to MWREGSVR to register the COM component on the development machine.
Since I do not have access to register components in the registery on the system, I would like to disable this step. I did like to split the two functions, but see no way to turn off the mwregsvr that executes after the successful build.
If I can disable the mwregsvr it will be very helpful.

Best Answer

The ability to disable the registering of the COM component compiled with the run of MCC command is not available with MATLAB Builder NE 3.0.2 (R2009b).
There are no workarounds.