MATLAB: Can i debug a for loop

debugfor loop

Hello, i clicked through the answers, but it didnt help.
What am i trying to do? Put for each round of the loop two values in file. Overall 9 rounds, two values each -> 18 values
What have i done? – I've created two 9×6 matrices called xwerte and ywerte
– I've created two arrays called xd_ref and yd_ref
Script looks like this:
% Loop goes trough each row
for j=1:length(xwerte)
% loope goes through each column of specific row
for i=1:length(xwerte(j,:))
% Simple function that gives out two values and puts it into file
[S, ab] = dist_pt2refTraj(xwerte(j,i), ywerte(j,i), xd_ref, yd_ref);
save('trajektorien.mat', 'S', 'ab');
if ab > 20
error('Error. \n ab is to big')
If i click on run, i get in my file only two values, not 18.
How can i debug through each loop? Or whats the problem here?
Thanks a lot.

Best Answer

In your code, you save variables "S" and "ab" with the same name for each loop. Therefore, the 'trajektorien.mat' only stores the value of the last loop.
To avoid this problem you should save "S" and "ab" for each loop to a vector. Then just save the vector. Because of depending on how do you want to store data, below could be a possible solution
saveS_ab = [];
% Loop goes trough each row
for j=1:length(xwerte)
% loope goes through each column of specific row
for i=1:length(xwerte(j,:))
% Simple function that gives out two values and puts it into file
[S, ab] = dist_pt2refTraj(xwerte(j,i), ywerte(j,i), xd_ref, yd_ref);
saveS_ab = [saveS_ab; S ab];
save('trajektorien.mat', 'saveS_ab');
if ab > 20
error('Error. \n ab is to big')
Now, you data is store in varibale "saveS_ab"
Check does it work or not.
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