MATLAB: Can I convert dv pixels to square pixels in matlab

dv pixelsimage processingImage Processing Toolboximwritesquare pixelsvideoreader

I need to capture frames from a 720×480 DV NTSC video (0.9091 non-square pixel aspect ratio). The final frames that I use need to have square pixels (1.0 square aspect ratio). I usually accomplish this image capture and conversion using adobe premier pro, but am trying to move away from this if possible. I have not been able to find anything in matlab documentation on pixel aspect ratio correction. Is there any matlab processes or functions that allow me to change the pixel aspect ratio?
In matlab I currently use VideoReader, read, and imwrite to import the video, read a frame, and write the image. I haven't found any settings in these functions that may correct for the pixel aspect ratio.
Thank in advance for any advice,

Best Answer

imresize(TheImage, [720 528])
528 is round(480/.9091)
This stretches the information in the 480 out so that the 528 resulting pixels effectively have .9091 worth of information in them, the same as the 720.