MATLAB: Can I change the name of a function during codegen

matlab coder

Can I change the name of a function during codegen? For example, if I hava a Matlab function called foo, can I make its genrated C function name be something like foo_cg (_cg for CodeGen)?. The motivation for this is that I have a custom version of the C foo and legacy code that uses it, and I don't want to change that code. I also have legacy Matlab code that uses the Matlab foo, so I don't want to changes its name either.

Best Answer

Unfortunately, no, there is no mechanism to rename the function in the generated C code. I've added a request for the development team to add this capability in a future release.
If you use MATLAB Coder to generate C++ code, then there is a possible solution -- use the "Generate code in a namespace" feature, so that you get C++ code for foo() in a custom namespace of your choice, so it does not collide with your other foo: