MATLAB: Can I assign one element of a vector to a variable

assign variable to a part of vectorcell arrayMATLAB

Hi everybody,
I have a question concerning my recent work. Isn't it possible to assign one element of a vector to a variable and get that saved in a cell array in a loop?
Later on I want to find the biggest element out of these and work with it. This is the error:
I also uploaded my code, as you can see the failure occures in line 219.
Here is a quick screenshot of the part of the code in case you don't need the full code.
Thank you very much for your help in advance, I'm a beginner at Matlab so thanks a lot everybody.

Best Answer

verschyl{allepunkte} is a row vector, whereas you are accessing it as a column vector. Reverse the order to correct the error. See the attached file. It should run without error.