MATLAB: Can i add heaviside step function in Matlab runtime library

librarymatlab runtime

I'm having issue with heaviside step function with Matlab runtime.
I have main.m which includes heaviside step function inside it. No problem with Matlab itself.
My workflow is : Compiling main.m to executable file and submit it to computational node on Centos.
To do this, i installed Matlab Runtime. However, it shows error message that it can't find the heaviside function.
So, i want to add heaviside function to Runtime library if i could.
Is it possible?
If is not possible, is it the only to install Matlab itself on computational nods?
Thank you.

Best Answer

Are you trying to call the heaviside function in Symbolic Math Toolbox? Nothing in Symbolic Math Toolbox is supported for use with MATLAB Compiler.
Are you trying to call the heaviside function in Simulink Test? That too is not supported for use with MATLAB Compiler.