MATLAB: Can anyone tell me how to change the display and storing of the values returned in given form to the form displayed and stored by imhist. Format is given below.

Image Processing Toolboximhistlrbp

In case of imhist program working fine because the pixelCounts(Variable) for them are displayed in this form. Given below….
like this.And in case of LRBP(My code) pixelCounts(Variable) are displayed like this:
columns 1 to 7
1 2 3 4 5
In this form.
Now I want LRBP form to be displayed in imhist form.
That's Why I am getting subscripted dimension mismatch as error. This what I tried to find out cause of the error.
Now can you please help me to guide what should I change??
So that This error will be resolved.

Best Answer

Which code causes the error? Without seeing the code, we cannot guess what you should change. But it looks easy, because all you need to do is to transpose the output:
a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7];
% or equivalently: disp(transpose(a))
% or:
b = [1;2;3;4;5;6;7]