MATLAB: Can anyone help me with a Matlab program to cluster using self organizing maps??

self organizing mapssom

I want to do clustering in one multi dimensional data using Self organizing Map. But unable to do that. I am totally new in the field of Neural Network. A simple code will do.

Best Answer

First search on "SOM"
>> lookfor som
Second, use the commands help and doc to understand functions that
a. Deal with creating a SOM
help nnt2som, doc nnt2som
help newsom, doc ...
help initsompc, ...
help learnsom, ...
help learnsomb, ...
b. Deal with SOM plotting
help plotsom, doc ...
help plotsomhits
help plotsomnc
help plotsomnd
help plotsomplanes
help plotsompos
help plotsomtop
3. Finally, try to duplicate some of the examples before using on your own data
help nndatasets, doc ...
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer.
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