MATLAB: Can anyone help me to construct this matrix

matrix arraymatrix manipulation

i have a such vector W,and i want to construct a matrix, in the attached file i have the form that i want to got, can anyone help me to do this ? thanks in advanced .

Best Answer

You could use toeplitz:
>> W = 0:2:8
W =
0 2 4 6 8
>> N = numel(W);
>> S = (-1).^(0:N-1);
>> toeplitz([W(end),ones(1,N-1)],S.*W(end:-1:1))
ans =
8 -6 4 -2 0
1 8 -6 4 -2
1 1 8 -6 4
1 1 1 8 -6
1 1 1 1 8