MATLAB: Can any one suggest matlab code for storing the features i.e termination and bifurcation points of fingerprints in a template


I am student presently i am doing project on FINGERPRINT RECOGNITION system.As part of my project i am unable to develop/write MATLAB CODE for storing the features i.e termination & bifurcation points in TEMPLATE. SO please any body suggest.
database(completed)–> prepossessing(completed)—> Feature extraction(completed)—–Template? i.e CODE IN MATLAB

Best Answer

Not sure what you're asking. We don't do that kind of algorithm development on complicated projects like that. You can search for fingerprint algorithms in VisionBib.
If you want to know who to write "MATLAB CODE for storing the features" then I suggest you look in the documentation for save(), load(), imwrite(), dlmwrite(), csvwrite(), etc.
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