MATLAB: Can any one help me in Shearlet Lab installation instruction ?

multiresolution transformsshearlet lab

I follow the instructions for installing Shealet Lab which are:
1. Download (in binary mode) the file
% to your PC.

% 2. Extract the .zip file into the folder
% \matlab\toolbox\.
% 3. Remark: If your Matlab root directory is named differently than
% \matlab then use its correct name (for example \MATLABR12) instead of
% the \matlab.
% 4. On the folder \matlab\toolbox\ShearLab-1.1, run the m file ShearLab110.m.
when I reached to step 4, I had an error which is:
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'FWT2_PO.mexw64'
C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2012A\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Link of 'FWT2_PO.mexw64' failed.
Error using mex (line 206)
|Unable to complete successfully.
Error in ShearLab110 (line 98)
eval(sprintf('mex %s',file));|
Can any help me to solve this error ???

Best Answer

Because you are trying to write under the MATLAB installation directory, you would need to run as administrator to be able to use mex to create files there.
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