MATLAB: Can a complete 4-port S-parameter (including differential and common mode) simulation of a RF broadband system be done using the RF Toolbox 2.5 (R2009a)

RF Toolbox

I have the following requirements:
a) Sources are broad band – DC to ~30GHz frequency content (they are not narrow band RF signals). 4 port S pars are typically touchstone files.
b) Zs1, Zs2, ZL1, ZL2 are frequency dependent impedances.
c) V2 is not necessarily equal to –V1, i.e., it will contain a common mode signal component
d) The aim is to find the differential signal and the common mode signal at the loads.
Can a complete 4 port simulation be done which takes mode conversions into account?

Best Answer

This can be done using the RF Toolbox 2.5 (R2009a). The following functions can be used to realize this application.
S2MM - Convert 4N-port single-ended S-parameters to 4 2N-port mixed-mode S-parameters.
SMM2s - Convert 4 2N-port mixed-mode S-parameters to single-ended S-parameters.
S2DD - Convert 4-port S-parameters to differential 2-port S-parameters Sdd.
S2DC - Convert 4-port S-parameters to cross mode 2-port S-parameters Sdc.
S2SCD - Convert 4-port S-parameters to cross mode 2-port S-parameters Scd.
S2SCC - Convert 4-port S-parameters to common mode 2-port S-parameters Scc.
S2TF - Calculate transfer function from 2-port S-parameters.
In order to model mixed-mode simulation, there might be multiple approaches to go about it.
The RF Toolbox documentation includes an example "Modeling a High-Speed Backplane (Part 2: 4-Port S-Parameters to a Rational Function Model)" showing a differential-model application.
If you replace S2SDD with S2SCC, you will get the common-mode. Please note that when using S2TF, the impedances are different for differential-mod and common-mode:
Zs(common-mode) = (Zs1 * Zs2)/(Zs1 + Zs2)
Zl(common-mode) = (Zl1 * Zl2)/(Zl1 + Zl2)
Z0(common-mode) = Z0/2
Zs(differential-mode) = Zs1 + Zs2
Zl(differential -mode) = Zl1 + Zl2
Z0(differential -mode) = 2*Z0