MATLAB: Calls to system() do not return, they leave me at shell prompt. Linux 2010b

system linux 2010b

Good day.
I'm having a few issues with my setup of MATLAB. I'll start with one per thread.
My most important issue at the moment is when "system('foo') is called, instead of returning to >> after the call is done, I'm stuck in the shell.
Line breaks do not work as expected in this editor…
>>system('ls') %newline BASH$ < nothing happens > %newline BASH$ exit
file1 file2 file2
I am using code from another party which relies on the use of system() and I'm stuck with it.
Can someone please shed some light on this problem.
UPDATE: I tried 'copyfile()' which must call cp under the hood. This also hangs and waits for 'exit', with the same behaviour as the above.

Best Answer

well..this is dumb...I forgot that I long time ago, added a line to by .tcshrc to call bash....because I couldn't change my default shell at the time...
live and learn...