MATLAB: Calllib crashes Matlab… no error given

external interfaces

Greetings. I am trying to use some functions in a dll, but when I use calllib, Matlab crashes (and closes) without error.
Any idea what is going on?
EDIT: I just noticed that I got a warning(s) when I loaded the library.
Warning: Eval of const expression 10 ][ 1024 failed with error Unmatched right square bracket at (eval 5) line 1, at end of line syntax error at (eval 5) line 1, near "10 ]" Missing right curly or square bracket at (eval 5) line 2, at end of line
The offending line is…
char gnFn[10][1024];

Best Answer

I discovered the cause of my problem. The dll I am using requires a specific license and I didn't have that. The documentation provided by the creators of the dll's don't say anything about licensing, so it took some C code and phone calls to figure things out.
I should note that the Matlab errors/warnings I received seem to make no sense with respect to my license issue. Once I set my license files up correctly, everything ran seamlessly in Matlab!