MATLAB: Calling Subroutine / Script file


If I want have a subroutine (.m) and want to run it in the body of a separate .m file (call it) how do I go about doing that.
The reason is it will allow different uses for the same code using different subroutines.

Best Answer

Justin - if you have defined your subroutine as a function (or a script) then you can call it as is from within the body of the separate m file. For example, if the signature of your subroutine is something like
function [out] = mySubroutine(input)
is saved to a file named mySubroutine.m, then you can call this function from within the body of your other m file as
% do some stuff
% call mySubroutine
out = mySubroutine(input);
The above is an example only with one input and one output. I suspect that your function signature will be different.
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