MATLAB: Calling/Running a .m File via Another Function

m-filematlab functionruntimeuigetfile

I'm trying to build an interface such that a user can select from different .m files to run. If you look at the code below, you can see that my idea is to allow a user to select a .m file from his/her directory and then run it. I've tried various modifications to the code below, but nothing seems to work. The error that I get is "tempRunGui is not found"
function runGUI1Callback(src, eventdata)
tempRunGui = uigetfile('*.m', 'Select Run File');
run tempRunGui;
Any input/help is really appreciated.

Best Answer

run is defined for scripts, not for functions. Are you talking of scripts?
You forgot the path of the file.
[FileName, PathName] = uigetfile('*.m', 'Select Run File');
if ~ischar(FileName) % Give the user a chance to cancel
% If you are really talking about scripts:
run(fullfile(PathName, FileName));