MATLAB: Calling Global value in a subroutine

global variable

I have a subroutine script that requires a value from the master.
The master has a global specifier and is tied to a separate variable which obtains the value.
global ObsNum
ObsNum = ObsArrayRow
The assumed global variable ObsNum returns the correct value in the workspace of the Master script.
The subroutine script then opens and continues executing and where I have stipulated:
n = ObsNum
The following error is thrown in the workspace:
"Undefined function or variable 'ObsNum'.
Error in AffineTransformationV1_0 (line 81) n = ObsNum
Error in Report3MainV1_0 (line 811) AffineTransformationV1_0() "
Do I need to do anything more to call the global variable ObsNum?

Best Answer

You have to use global ObsNum inside your function also. You declare the global variable inside the function.