MATLAB: Calling function for blockproc

blockprocbox countingcalling function

I want to create a calling function for blockproc, where I obtain the number of connected objects inside each block of the image. B1 is my image, a logical returned after converting my image to black and white based on a threshold. The relevant code is here:
func = @blockfun
blockSize = [16 16];
blockyImage8 = blockproc(B1, blockSize, func);
And the function is here:
function x = blockfun(a)
CC = bwconncomp(a,8);
x = CC.NumObjects;
I get the error message:
Error using bwconncomp
Expected input number 1, BW, to be one of these types:
logical, double, single, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32, int64
Instead its type was struct.
Any advice?

Best Answer

As its help explains, blockproc supplies a structure to the called function. The fields of the structure are listed in the help. Possibly you want the data field:

CC = bwconncomp(,8);