MATLAB: Calling data with using rand command

call datarandomstring and random

Hi, I want to call data in the matrix by using string which is defined by rand command.
A=[1 2]
B=[2 3]
C=[3 5]
corners = 'ABC'
randompick = corners(randi(numel(corners)))
Here I cant get any first row numbers of the A, B, and C.
What's wrong in this script?
Desired answer is
Same as what A(1), B(1) or C(1) give after randomly chosing.

Best Answer

A=[1 2
2 3
3 5] ;
corners = 1:size(A,1) ;
randompick = corners(randi(numel(corners)))
idx = randompick(1) ;
iwant = A(idx,1)