MATLAB: Calling a nested function from a dynamic regular expression throws an error

dynamic regular expresionserrorlocal functionMATLABnested functionnested functionsregexpregular expression

Calling a local function from a dynamic regular expression works without error:
function test()
function subfun(s) %#ok<DEFNU>

and prints the expected sequence in the command window:
>> test
ans =
1 2 3 4 5 6
But calling an identical nested function:
function test()
function subfun(s) %#ok<DEFNU>
throws this error:
Error using regexp
Attempt to add "matched" to a static workspace.
See MATLAB Programming, Restrictions on Assigning to Variables for details.
Error in test (line 5)
Some experimentation showed that "matched" refers to the '&$' matched string token. I hypothesize that the "static workspace" referred to is somehow internal to regexp.
The error message's hyperlink goes to a page "Variables in Nested and Anonymous Functions", which states "If you attempt to dynamically add a variable to the workspace of an anonymous function, a nested function, or a function that contains a nested function, then MATLABĀ® issues an error of the form Attempt to add variable to a static workspace."
Given that there are no allocations within the nested function, why does this error occur? How is it possible to call a nested function (with dynamic input arguments) from a dynamic regular expression? I am using MATLAB R2012b.

Best Answer

Hum, interesting problem! The documentation of dynamic regular expressions is unfortunately lacking on the workspace used. As far as I can tell it's not a workspace private to regexp but the actual workspace of the function it executes in.
For example,
regexp('', '(?@ y = 5)')
will create y in the local workspace. So the problem is that regexp is trying to create the matched variables in the workspace of the function and as the documentation says, you can't create dynamic variables in functions with nested functions.
Don't know why it try to create that variables. I guess it's an implementation detail, where at some point &$ is replaced by a valid variable name before the expression is evaluated. Note that if you actually name a variable matched, then matlab tries to use matched_0 instead. It kind of makes sense, but yes, completely undocumented. I guess it's worthy of a bug report to mathworks.
You get the same problem in anonymous functions for the same reason:
>>fn = @() regexp('1234', '\d(?@ disp($&); disp(matched))')
Error using regexp
Attempt to add "matched_0" to a static workspace.
See Variables in Nested and Anonymous Functions.
It's still the same behaviour in 2015b and newer.
For info, still a problem in R2018a. Also: fixed a typo in my example!