MATLAB: Calling a Matlab function from workspace to Simulink matlab function block

MATLABMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitematlab functionmatlab function blocksimulink

I have 2 functions that I want to use in the Matlab_function block in simulink, however, the functions are too long for copying and writing them in the script of the block (I get this display " Output truncated. Text exceeds maximum line length for Command Window display."). I tried only calling them or using function handle in the block script but it doesn't work. Is there a way I can call this function into my simulink file?

Best Answer

use in simulink function
for example
function [val_out] = fcn(Val_in)
[Val] = YourFunctionNameInMatlab(Val_in);
you code use the same rule for a function with more than one input value and more than one output value