MATLAB: Calling a callback function from script


hello everyone,
I am trying to calculate the steam table data using the XSteam.m script. I have written a callback loop to calculate the density of the steam at perticular temperature and pressure values. the function is as follows.
where a is the final pressure
When i am trying to run the script it gives an error as
Error using zeros
Maximum variable size allowed by the program is exceeded.
Error in Untitled2 (line 5)
y = zeros(1:((a-1)/b));
Please check the script and help me with it.
With regards.
a = 10;
b = 0.01;
T = 200;
y = zeros(1:((a-1)/b));
L = length(y);
for i = 0:L
p(i)= 1+b*i;
y(i) =XSteam('rho_pT',i,T);

Best Answer

is y = zeros(1,((a-1)/b)); you have ":" instead of a ","
a = 10;
b = 0.01;
T = 200;
y = zeros(1,((a-1)/b));
L = length(y);
for i = 1:L
p(i)= 1+b*i;
y(i) =XSteam('rho_pT',i,T);
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