MATLAB: Calling 32-bit Matlab from 64-bit Matlab

automationmatlab 32matlab 64

I just made the switch over to 64-bit Matlab and there was one function I was not able to convert over that only works on 32-bit Matlab.
Is there a way, from within Matlab 64-bit, to open up a Matlab 32-bit automation process, run my function that way and then return the result back to Matlab 64-bit??
I know this is kind of a roundabout way of accomplishing what I need to do, but it would be extremely helpful if it were possible. Thanks!

Best Answer

If you are using MS Windows, then register the 32 bit version of MATLAB as the automation server (which will also end up registering that version as being associated with the file extensions.) Fire up the 64 bit version and use an activex() object to connect to MATLAB: what you reach will be the 32 bit version.
Out of curiosity, what were you unable to convert?