MATLAB: Callback issue with uiMenu


Having some issues with callback using uimenu, when a certain option is selected I want it to change the color map of the whole figure. Here is my code.
Function Startup
fig = figure('Toolbar','none','MenuBar','none')
Main = uimenu(fig,'Label','File');
ImageSettings = uimenu(File,'Label','Jet',...
'Callback', 'CM1');
function CM1
The error that occurs is
Too many input arguments.
Error while evaluating uimenu Callback
Also I have tried to change my callback from: 'Callback', 'CM1'); to
'Callback', @CM1);
That did not seem to work either.

Best Answer

The function CM1 requires 2 input arguments as all callbacks:
function CM1(ObjectHandle, EventData)
You do not have to use the values, but they must exist.
Another idea would be an anomyous function to crop the inputs:
'Callback', @(x,y) CM1
But this looks more confusing, in my opinion.