MATLAB: Callback for menu option to execute a function


I need help understanding how to make a menu option call another function… The example below is the handle I've made for a menu item titled 'I am bored…' When the user clicks this, I want the function game.m to execute. Obviously the way I have it written below isn't working. Advice?
handles.help_menu_bored = ...
uimenu(handles.help_menu,'label','I am bored...','Separator','on','Callback',{@help_menu_bored,handles});
function help_menu_bored_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
The error I get is the following:
??? Undefined function or method 'help_menu_bored' for input arguments of type 'struct'.
??? Error while evaluating uimenu Callback

Best Answer

@help_menu_bored_Callback not @help_menu_bored . MATLAB will not add the "_Callback", as nothing in MATLAB assumes any particular structure for callback names.