MATLAB: Call to Main GUi

matlab gui

i have 3 gui in my project named "MainGUI" and "Sub1GUi" and "Sub2GUi"…. in SubGUi i have a button…. on click of that button i want one output to get displayed in the MainGUI axes2… how to call MainGUI and display image in MainGUI's axes2… is this possible… please do reply….

Best Answer

This is an evergreen question. Please search for "sharing GUI" in this forum to find a bunch of solutions.
The object you have to share is the handle of the AXES object you want to plot in. So get the MainGUI's handle from the SubGUI, use it to obtain the handles struct by GUIDATA, and plot from the code of the SubGUI using the AXES' handle as 'Parent' property.
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