MATLAB: Call OpeningFcn each time a button is pressed

guiMATLABopeningfcnrun buttonuiresumeuiwait

I have a piece of main code in which I call a GUI. In the GUI, the OpeningFcn function contains some code and calls uiwait:
handles.output = hObject;
% Set handles fields with initial values from UIcontrols
handles.speedrange = str2double(get(handles.editSpeedRange,'String'));
% Update handles structure
guidata(hObject, handles);
% UIWAIT makes pitch_bounce_input_gui wait for user response (see UIRESUME)
The user can change a series of edit box values, which are all captured in the handles structure. When ready, a Run button is pressed that contains the uiresume line:
function pushRun_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to pushRun (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% resume code
This executes the code in OutputFcn, which is some variable storage and manipulation, and returns to the main code. The main code runs a Simulink model in a loop, calculating a set of metrics from each run, and then produces a series of plots.
I would then like the user to have the option to press the Run button again, perhaps having adjusted some of the edit box values. However, the callback for the Run button just contains the uiresume command, which is now not paired to a uiwait. How do I call the OpeningFcn function again when the GUI has remained open (as I would like it to be)?
I haven't found reference to this problem anywhere so I'm concerned that it is less about finding the right code than correctly structuring it in the first place.

Best Answer

There are two strategies I described:
  1. Have a function that you call at the end of OpeningFcn. That function only call uiwait, so it can also be run from other callbacks, making it easier to have a pause button.
  2. Don't use uiwait to pause your loop, but use a check at the start of your loop. The state of this check can be set and loaded with the getappdata function. Your pausing function would then use setappdata(gcbf,'BreakLoop',true) and inside your (infite?) loop you can use if getappdata(gcbf,'BreakLoop'),break,end. (Don't forget to set it back to false when you restart the loop.)