MATLAB: Call mexcuda file returned gpuarray cost abnormal time

gpuarrraymexcudatime cost

I found when I call the returned gpuarray from mex(cuda c) file coat so much time.
Here is my function,I use the returned array to do a simplest operation,but it cost much time.
function y = Afun_gmm_test(x,bmag, bori,beta,lambda,transp_flag)
ss = size(bmag);
xx = reshape(x,ss);
xx = gpuArray(xx);
bmag = gpuArray(bmag);
bori = gpuArray(bori);
Kx = MotionBlurConv_gpu(xx,bmag,bori);
Kxx = MotionBlurConv_mirror_gpu(Kx,bmag,bori);
Kxx = Kxx + 1;
y = lambda * Kxx + beta*xx;
y = y(:);
y = gather(y);
time cost
MotionBlurConv_gpu and MotionBlurConv_mirror_gpu are two mex file function,which returned gpuarray.
Here is my MotionBlurConv_mirror_gpu code: it's a bit long,you can only read the 'host code' part if you are inpatient,I think it's the only part may be wrong
#include "mex.h"
#include "gpu/mxGPUArray.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define eps 2.2204e-16f
#define sign(n) (n<0?-1.0f:1.0f)
#define ABS(x) (x<0?-x:x)
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
* Device code
void __global__ MotionBlurConv(int w_img,int h_img,double *X,
double *bmag,double *bori,double *R)
/* Perform convolution */
int sx, sy;
int offSet_img, off_x, off_y, l, k;
double *src_img,*dst;
double half, phi, cosphi, xsign, sinphi, x2lastpix, mag, ori,dist2line, dist2cent, linewdt = 1, sumKernel = 0;
int i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int j = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
if (i < w_img && j < h_img) {
/* Set indicex */
src_img = X + j * w_img + i;
dst = R + j * w_img + i;
/* Generate kernel value */
mag = bmag[j * w_img + i];
ori = bori[j * w_img + i];
half = (mag - 1) / 2.0f;
phi = fmod(ori, 180.0) / 180 * M_PI;
cosphi = cos(phi);
sinphi = sin(phi);
xsign = sign(cosphi);
double tmp = half*cosphi + linewdt*xsign - mag*eps;
sx = (floor(ABS(tmp)));
tmp = half*sinphi + linewdt - mag*eps;
sy = (floor(ABS(tmp)));
// if (j == y0 & i == x0)
// {
// printf("%f %f %f %d %d \n", mag, ori, half, sx, sy);
// printf(" %d %d \n", sx, sy);
// printf("%f %f %f %f %f %f\n", half, cosphi, linewdt, xsign, mag, eps);
// printf("%f %f \n",half*cosphi + linewdt*xsign - mag*eps, half*sinphi + linewdt - mag*eps);
// }
/* Convolution at each location */
sumKernel = 0;
for(l = -sy; l <= sy; l++) // y
for(k = -sx; k <= sx; k++) // x
// compute the kernel value at currret location
dist2line = l * cosphi + k * sinphi;
dist2cent = sqrtf(l * l + k * k);
if (ABS(dist2line) <= linewdt & dist2cent >= half) // if it is the end point
x2lastpix = half - ABS((k + dist2line*sinphi)/cosphi);
dist2line = sqrt(pow(dist2line, 2) + pow(x2lastpix, 2));
dist2line = linewdt + eps - ABS(dist2line);
if (dist2line<0) dist2line = 0;
off_x = (i + k < w_img & i + k >= 0) ? k : (i + k < 0 ? -i : w_img - 1 - i);
off_y = (j + l < h_img & j + l >= 0) ? l : (j + l < 0 ? -j : h_img - 1 - j);
offSet_img = (off_y) * w_img + off_x;
//ker[(l + sy) * (2*sx + 1) + k + sx] = dist2line * (*(src_img));
//*(dst + offSet_img) += dist2line * (*(src_img)); /**/
sumKernel += dist2line;
//if (j == y0 & i == x0)
// printf(" %f ", *(src_img));
//printf(" %d %d \n", sx, sy);
// normalization
for(l = -sy; l <= sy; l++) // y
for(k = -sx; k <= sx; k++) // x
dist2line = l * cosphi + k * sinphi;
dist2cent = sqrtf(l * l + k * k);
if (ABS(dist2line) <= linewdt & dist2cent >= half) // if it is the end point
x2lastpix = half - ABS((k + dist2line*sinphi)/cosphi);
dist2line = sqrt(pow(dist2line, 2) + pow(x2lastpix, 2));
dist2line = linewdt + eps - ABS(dist2line);
if (dist2line<0) dist2line = 0;
off_x = (i + k < w_img & i + k >= 0) ? k : (i + k < 0 ? -i : w_img - 1 - i);
off_y = (j + l < h_img & j + l >= 0) ? l : (j + l < 0 ? -j : h_img - 1 - j);
offSet_img = (off_y) * w_img + off_x;
//if((j * w_img + i + offSet_img == y0 * w_img + x0))
// {
// printf(" (%d %d %d %d %f %f %f %d)", off_x, off_y, i, j, ker[(l + sy) * (2*sx + 1) + k + sx], sumKernel, R[j * w_img + i + offSet_img], y0 * w_img + x0);
// }
if (sumKernel > 0)
//*(dst + offSet_img) += ker[(l + sy) * (2*sx + 1) + k + sx] / sumKernel;
atomicAdd(R + j * w_img + i + offSet_img,dist2line * (*(src_img))/ sumKernel);
atomicAdd(R + j * w_img + i + offSet_img,dist2line * (*(src_img)));
* Host code
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
int nrhs, mxArray const *prhs[])
/* Declare all variables.*/
mxGPUArray const *matrix_X, *matrix_bmag, *matrix_bori;
mxGPUArray *B;
double *X, *bmag, *bori, *R;
int w_img, h_img;
char const * const errId = "parallel:gpu:mexGPUExample:InvalidInput";
char const * const errMsg = "Invalid input to MEX file.";
/* Initialize the MathWorks GPU API. */
/* Throw an error if the input is not a GPU array. */
if ((nrhs!=3) || !(mxIsGPUArray(prhs[0]))) {
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(errId, errMsg);
matrix_X = mxGPUCreateFromMxArray(prhs[0]);
matrix_bmag = mxGPUCreateFromMxArray(prhs[1]);
matrix_bori = mxGPUCreateFromMxArray(prhs[2]);
* Verify that A really is a double array before extracting the pointer.
if (mxGPUGetClassID(matrix_X) != mxDOUBLE_CLASS) {
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(errId, errMsg);
* Now that we have verified the data type, extract a pointer to the input
* data on the device.
X = (double *)(mxGPUGetDataReadOnly(matrix_X));
bmag = (double *)(mxGPUGetDataReadOnly(matrix_bmag));
bori = (double *)(mxGPUGetDataReadOnly(matrix_bori));
mwSize const *size= mxGPUGetDimensions(matrix_X);
w_img = (int)(size[0]);
h_img = (int)(size[1]);
/* Choose a reasonably sized number of threads for the block. */ /*now only process the N*N case*/
dim3 threadsPerBlock(32, 32); /*when 256 threads 16,when 1024 threads 32,if process all at once w_img,h_img*/
dim3 blocksPerGrid((w_img + threadsPerBlock.x -1) / threadsPerBlock.x, (h_img + threadsPerBlock.y -1) / threadsPerBlock.y);
/* Create a GPUArray to hold the result and get its underlying pointer. */
B = mxGPUCreateGPUArray(mxGPUGetNumberOfDimensions(matrix_X),
R = (double *)(mxGPUGetData(B));
* Call the kernel using the CUDA runtime API. We are using a 1-d grid here,
* and it would be possible for the number of elements to be too large for
* the grid. For this example we are not guarding against this possibility.
MotionBlurConv<<<blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock>>>(w_img, h_img, X, bmag, bori ,R );
/* Wrap the result up as a MATLAB gpuArray for return. */
plhs[0] = mxGPUCreateMxArrayOnGPU(B);
* The mxGPUArray pointers are host-side structures that refer to device
* data. These must be destroyed before leaving the MEX function.
So does anyone have the same the problem? I want to know the reason of it and how to fix it. Thanks.

Best Answer

The time is all in your mex function. It looks as though the time is spent in line 11 because your kernel is running asynchronously and that is the first synchronization point after your mex function. As it says in the documentation, the profiler ensures meaningful timings for built-ins by synchronizing after each line of code, however it can't do this for user-defined mex-functions: "the profile might not yield correct results for user-defined MEX functions if they run asynchronously".
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