MATLAB: Calibration of Three or More Cameras

camera-calibrationcomputer vision system toolboxComputer Vision Toolboxdigital image processingimage acquisitionstereovision

Hi all. Has anybody here successfully used MATLAB to calibrate three or more stereo cameras? The Stereo Calibration App, and its associated functions, refer to two cameras specifically. My setup will consist of three cameras oriented 90degress from each other.
Is it possible to treat a single calibrated stereo pair as a single camera, then "add" the third camera by calibrating it with the pair? Or, is there code available for multiple (3+) camera calibration?
Thanks for your suggestions.

Best Answer

There are no built-in functions for calibrating 3 or more cameras together. What I would do is first calibrate each camera separately to get the intrinsics. Then calibrate cameras 1 and 2 as a pair to get the R and t between 1 and 2. Then calibrate 2 and 3 as a pair to get the R and t between 2 and 3.