MATLAB: Calculations between successive points in an array

successivesuccessive calculation

My script analyzes sensor data collected from a mobile device. In my case, I'd like to use the GPS to find the average distance between successive lat/long points in my input array. The distance calculation is simple, but I'm hung up on how to set up a loop to find the distance between successive points. Let's use the following arrays as an example:
Lat = [38.896368, 38.8963633, 38.896356, 38.8963606, 38.896357]
Long = [-77.0366636, -77.0362163, -77.035574, -77.0347948, -77.033968]

Best Answer

Try this:
distances = zeros(1, length(Lat));
for k = 2 : length(Lat)
% Get distances using current point, and prior point.
distances(k) = CalculateDistance(Lat(k), Long(k), Lat(k-1), Long(k-1));
CalculateDistance() is your function that you said you knew how to do.