MATLAB: Calculation with different cell arrays

cell array matrix calculation

Hi guys, assume the following: Cell array mx (100×61), Cell array mn (100×61), Cell array a (100×61).
These cell arrays consists of multiple matrix tables. Matrix table a has 7 columns and matrix table mx/mn have one column. I want to carry out the following calculation between the corresponding matrix tables in the cell array: (a{column7row n}-mn{n})/(mx{n}-mn{n}). n=n+1 which increases after each row.

Best Answer

This is how I would do it:
a = {randi(50,15,9)};
mx = {max(a{:},[],2)};
mn = {min(a{:},[],2)};
q = (a{1}(:,7)-mn{:})./(mx{:}-mn{:});
Obviously ‘a’ in your code is going to be different(I wanted my ‘a’ to be easily visible), but the rest of my code should work without modification.