MATLAB: Calculation of area between a line based on data points, and a function

areaintegralnumerical integrationtrapz

I have an area I want to calculate. It's situated between a line of ~750 data Points and a straight line based on two data Points. It's illustrated by the middle graph in the attached image. (It is based on the upper parts of the first and third graph)
I have managed to calculate the area of the first graph in the Picture, by using trapz. The line is based on ~2000 data Points.
Its easy to find the function of the straight line, but I'd rather not fit the other data points into a function.
Is it possible to somehow use both trapz and integral to find this area?

Best Answer

You only need to know the slope of the line, since it has an intercept at zero.
f1 = @(x) exp(-((x-50)./10).^2)*25E+7; % Create Function
f2 = @(x) 2*x; % Zero Intercept, Slope = 2*x
x = linspace(0, 9.52); % For Plotting
difn = @(x) f2(x)-f1(x); % Subtract Functions
a = integral(difn, min(x), max(x)); % Area Between Line And Curve
plot(x, f1(x))
hold on
plot(x, f2(x))
patch([x x], [f1(x) f2(x)], 'b') % Plot Area
hold off
text(4, 4.5, sprintf('Area = %.2f', a), 'Color','y')