MATLAB: Calculating values from string and displaying

calculating values

I'm trying to perform a calculation on two values that basically takes the second x, y value in the array "EasyPracNumbers" and multiplies it by 1 to output 2 but instead it outputs:
This is the code:
EasyPracNumbers = [1 1; 2 2; 3 3];
CalcOutput = EasyPracNumbers(:,2)*1;
What am i doing wrong, I need to use the function "hypot" on particular numbers in an array and output them to screen also, how would I do this?

Best Answer

when you write
you are accessing the second column. and that's why you get 3 elements. Perhaps you mean
EasyPracNumbers(2,:) %here 2 is the row number, change it to 1 or 3 as
%you wish
but still i'm not getting what you're trying to do. As far as hypotenuse goes, you might want