MATLAB: Calculating the average every three months

arrayerrorMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitemeanobservationundefined operator

Hi all, I leaning matlab thru practice and patience, I have the following dataset with sunspot observations for 38 years. I am trying to get the average of months 12,1,2 per year. I was using the code below but I am getting the following error message. " Undefined operator '>=' for input arguments of type 'table'."
Any advise will be greatly appreciated.
IDX=data(:,3) >= 5;
fdata = data(idx,:);
iex = fdata(:,3) <= 7;
fildata = fdata(iex,:);
year = fildata(:,2);
avr = accumarray(year,fildata(:,1))./3;
idx = avr(:,1) > 0;
avr = avr(idx,1);

Best Answer

You have two options, to convert your table into an array with:
data_array = data{:,:};
or to use the same expression, but with curly braces, like this:
IDX = data{:,3} >= 5; % The curly braces do what you want