MATLAB: Calculating Kernel density for each column


Please how do I need a short code that will calculate the KDE of each column in the R.length data below
the KDE is given as = I/n*h sum ( K * (( v – i )/h) which is computed for each column
where h = 1.06 * variance * (n^(-0.2)) for each colum
n is the number of each column
i = first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth number of each column
v =pv is given as 3, 4, 5, 6 for each column
Thanks in advance
R = [ 0.6164 3.4161 0.9950 3.4117;
3.1654 0.4123 4.2391 1.0198;
0.5745 3.0364 1.3191 3.1129;
2.9883 0.7348 3.8730 0.4123;
0.9381 3.3749 2.0421 3.5014;
2.1817 1.0630 3.0643 0.9487];

Best Answer

I am assuming the v values are the same as the column index, and that you made a mistake with the code for the second column.
Z = [ 0.6164 3.4161 0.9950 3.4117;
3.1654 0.4123 4.2391 1.0198;
0.5745 3.0364 1.3191 3.1129;
2.9883 0.7348 3.8730 0.4123;
0.9381 3.3749 2.0421 3.5014;
2.1817 1.0630 3.0643 0.9487];
n = 6;
K = 3;
for col=1:size(Z,2)
v=col;%is this what you mean?
h = 1.06 * var(Z(:,col)) * (n ^ 0.2);
z(col) = 1/ (n * h);
E = K * (v - Z(:,col))/h;
if col~=1
%did you mean for this to be different?
E(1)= K * (v - Z(1,col)/h);
e(col) = sum(E) ;
% the kernal density estimation
KDE = e .* z;