MATLAB: Calculating efficiency using matlab

efficiencyfor loopgraphsiterationloopmatricesplots

Hi, I am trying to calculate the efficiency which I would then like to plot against I as shown below. However the following code doesn't output the correct result. I.e. for the first value of Tout & I – the calculation for efficiency (n) should be: (0.02*1009*(323.2-295)/(500*1.8)) x 100 = 63.2%
For some reason in the code the answer is 94%. Could anyone provide some suggestions
Kind regards
for Tout = [323.2 326.0 328.8 331.6 334.3 337.1];
I = [500 550 600 650 700 750];
m = 0.02;
cp = 1009;
Tin = 295;
A = 1.8;
n = m*cp*(Tout - Tin)./A*I

Best Answer

No loops needed:
Tout = [323.2 326.0 328.8 331.6 334.3 337.1];
I = [500 550 600 650 700 750];
[Toutm,Im] = ndgrid(Tout,I); % Create Matrices From Vectors
m = 0.02;
cp = 1009;
Tin = 295;
A = 1.8;
n = m*cp*(Toutm - Tin)./A*Im; % Calculate Using Matrices
plot(I,n) % Plot Matrix ā€˜nā€™ As Function Of ā€˜Iā€™
ylim([min(ylim) 2.5E+6])
legend(sprintfc('T_{out} = %.1f', Tout), 'Location','NW')
Make appropriate changes to get the result you want.