MATLAB: Calculating a new variable from a symbolic equation


I'm new to Matlab so I hope you can help me :-). I'm using MATLAB r2019a.
I have a array (Q) that I would like to use as a input in a equation and solve for a variable (y). I need the equation to calculate a y for each Q. How do I do that?
So far I've tried this (simplyfied):
Q_full = 0.5
Q = [1,2,3]
syms Q Q_full y
eqn = vpasolve(Q/Q_full == 2+y,y)
The errors I get are:
Error using mupadengine/feval (line 195)
Symbolic parameters not supported in nonpolynomial equations.
Error in sym/vpasolve (line 172)
sol = eng.feval('symobj::vpasolve',eqns,vars,X0);
Error in Model (line 30)
eqn = vpasolve(Q/Q_full == 0.46-(0.5*cos(pi*(y/D)))+(0.04*cos(2*pi*(y/D))),y); <- this is my real equation

Best Answer

You already defined values for Q_full and Q. You do not need to define them as symbolic variables later. This will not work. Try the following approach:
Q_full = 0.5
Q = [1,2,3]
syms y
for i=1:numel(Q)
eqn(i) = vpasolve(Q(i)/Q_full == 2+y,y)