MATLAB: Calculate the distance between matched points

distancedistance between pointserrormatched pointspdist2

I have two sets of matched points (matchedPoints1 and matchedPoints2, the size is 142×1 and the type is SURFPoints) and I want to calculate the distance between them. I tried the function pdist2() like this :
But I got the following error :
Error using cast
Unsupported data type for conversion: 'double'.
Error in pdist2 (line 250)
X = cast(X,outClass);
I don't really understand the meaning of this error message so can somebody help me to solve this problem ?
Thanks a lot.

Best Answer

The (x,y) point locations are stored in the "Locations" property of a SURFpoints object. If you are calculating the distance between matchedPoints1(n) and matchedPoints2(n), follow this example
%matchedPoints1 & matchedPoints2 are SURFpoints objects
distanceFcn = @(x1,x2,y1,y2)sqrt((x2-x1).^2 + (y2-y1).^2); %distance function
d = distanceFcn( ...
% d(n) is the distance between matchPoints1.Location(n) and matchPoints2.Location(n)
To calculate the pairwise distance,
d = pdist2(matchedPoints1.Location,matchedPoints2.Location,'euclidean')
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