MATLAB: Calculate standard deviation for different groups

arithmetic averageformulastandard deviationstd

I want to plot a Measurement with a bar figure. Therefore I want to create different groups and calculate the standard deviation for each group. I have a vector "Measurement" which is sorted according to increasing values. I get group IDs for the Measurement values by the use of the histc function.
In the next step I try to calculate the standard deviation with the accumarray function.
group_std = accumarray(Measure_ID,Measurement_y,[],@std);
The std command uses the follow mathematical formula:
The problem is that accumarray calculates the arithmetic average for each group separately. But I want to see the standard deviation regarding to the global arithmetic average. Is there a way to solve my issue?
Version: 2012b

Best Answer

If you want to set the x_bar values of the formula to mean(Measurement_y), why not implementing this as function?
function s = specialStd(x, m)
s = sqrt(sum((x - m) .^ 2) / (length(x) - 1));
and call it like:
m = mean(Measurement_x);
group_std = accumarray(Measure_ID, Measurement_y, [], @(x) specialStd(x, m));