MATLAB: C2000 LaunchXL F2979Dsimulink serial communcation issues

launchxl f2979dserialti embedded coder

I'm attempting to write a python script to communicate directly with the board but I am running into timeout issues. I've already got a script set up to send and receive serial signals on the correct COM channel and those work for cases where I am only sending one signal or only receiving one signal. Currently I have an simulink model (see attached photo) that receives a signal multiplies it by 2 and sends it back again. When I run my script it is sending out the correct input but not getting the correct output after the first cycle. After the initial values are multiplied by 2 the SCI receive block timeouts and starts just sending a default value. Is there anyway around this issue?

Best Answer

I figured it out, the port needed to be only opened when writing and reading to it. If the port was left open in the time between it timed out.
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