MATLAB: C2000 Embedded coder — Change default time-out

c2000Developers Kit for Texas Instruments DSPdspEmbedded CoderMATLABsimulinktexas instrumets

Hi all,
I am trying to run a model in external mode, but keep getting the error " Unable to connect to the 'TI Delfino F2833x' target for …" and " Error occurred while executing External Mode MEX-file 'ext_serial_win32_comm': Failed to connect to the target. A time-out occurred while waiting for the first connect response packet. Possible reasons for the time-out:"
When I type command ticcs into Command Window I get:
>> ticcs
TICCS Object:
Processor type : TMS320C28xx
Processor name : TMS320C2800_0
Running? : No
Board number : 0
Processor number : 0
Default timeout : 10.00 secs
RTDX channels : 0
If I reduce the number of elements in the model, I can connect. I suspect time-out is too low.
How to change time-out?

Best Answer

Hi Mike,
Usually the External mode time out is more then enough and the fact that you hit it probably means that you have a connection problem. I'm not sure which version of MATLAB you are using and what connection you are trying to use. We support CAN and Serial for TI C2000.
I hope it helps,