MATLAB: C-Code Polyspace MISRA-C check without Polyspace value range and overflow checks

Polyspace Code ProverPolyspace Code Prover Serverpolyspace misra

Hallo Support Team,
is it possible to run a Polyspace Code Prover job (C-Code) only for MISRA-C checks without carrying out Polyspace value range and overflow checks (Etc.)?
The reason of this question is that a complete Polyspace Code Prover job requires several days untli completion. And we are only interested in misrca-c at this point.
Thank you and best regards! Andreas

Best Answer

Since most of the coding rule violations are found during the "compilation" phase, I suggest you to stop the verification at the end of this phase.
To do that, in your configuration, go to Precision, and for the Verification level, choose "Source Compliance checking".
Best regards,
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