MATLAB: ‘ButtonDownFcn’ – Passed parameters need to be updated


let's say I've got something like this:
pX = 10;
pY = 15;
pHandle = plot(pX, pY, 'bx','ButtonDownFcn', {@startProcess, pX, pY});
In startProcess the data pX and pY gets altered by user interaction and I make the command :
pX = newXValues;
pY = newYValues;
set(pHandle, 'XData', newXValues, 'YData', newYValues);
to save and update the new values.
The next time a call is made to @startProcess I would assume that it now uses the altered values, but instead pX and pY remain the original values being 10 and 15.
How can I force the @startProcess function to use the updated values for pX and pY?
Thank you!

Best Answer

once this function handle is created the passed values are fix. You have to renew the function handle with the updated values. So do a
set(pHandle,'ButtonDownFcn', {@startProcess, new_pX, new_pY})
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