MATLAB: Bus expansion subsystem block and HDL coder

HDL Coder

Hi, I am new to HDL Coder. I am attempting to implement a design that has a bus going through a delay block.
I am recieving the error, "… dekay' is a bus expansion subsystem block, which is unsupported."
How should I resolve this issue? is there a more appropriate delay block?

Best Answer

The good news: this construction is fully supported in R2014a, where HDL Coder has had substantial improvements in its bus support. Prior to R2014a the bus support in HDL Coder was limited and could not support a bus going through a unit delay block.
The only way to do this prior to 14a is to model the delay without buses. This essentially means:
  1. Breaking the bus into into its component elements with a Bus Selector block
  2. Running each bus element through the appropriate delay block
  3. Combining the delayed version of each bus element back into a bus with a Bus Creator block
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