MATLAB: Building a set of simple moving averages using a loop

Financial Toolboxfor loopmatlab function

Hi everyvody,
I have to build a set of simple moving averages with different periods; may be that my problem is pretty tricky, but I really do not know how to solve that.
I thought to use the loop for as it follows:
for i = 5:1:30
SMAvector(:,i) = tsmovavg(vector,'s',i,2);
but matlab gives an error out as:
Undefined function 'le' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
Can someone help me to find a solution or explain me what does the error mean? Thanks in advance for the help.

Best Answer

Quantopic verified that the vector variable was of type double. As it was unclear how the SMAvector variables was declared, it was suggested that the following code be tried
SMAvector = zeros(length(vector),30-5+1);
for k = 5:1:30
SMAvector(:,k-5+1) = tsmovavg(vector,'s',k,2);
That seemed to work.